Hallo Friends !!!
How are you today? Hope always healthy ever-after. Maybe this topic was simmiliar with other blogs. Because anywhere a blog which WordPress Platform use this tips and trick how to change their template, specially WordPress. This topic was request from my friend. He send me a message how to change template wordpress ? So i was wrote article about it. For expert blogger this tips is too stale and easyly. But for newbie such as ngabar42.co.cc, it is very importent tips. And very help them ! A glance of ngabar42.co.cc, it is religy blog of Walisongo muslim boarding school in Ponorogo. Especially alumny of 42.
Ok Lets you know how to change template wordpress. First, find your favourite template. You may get free template on WordPress Template Official. Or available to search on google or another search engine. Then, after you have a new template, upload your template on your cpanel ( file manager on your webhosting ), usually the extention of template was compressed file, such as .rar, .zip, etc. If you have many file of template please compressed all the file in one file compressed. Upload on your home/wp-admin/wp-content/themes .
If you completed that step, follow me ! Extract that file compressed. After you succesly extract all file. Please, enter on your dashboard admin blog. Exactly on http://yourdomain/wp-admin/themes.php . Then you will be look screenshoot of your new template. Right? If you not found new template, maybe your file not succes upload, or broken templates. Try to upload again. If you found it, click on the image or the name of template.
After clicked, wait a seconds and you will be look how template wordpress was set on your Blog. If you like the template, actived your template by clicking activate[name template] on the right corner. And clicked X button to close or cancel set new template.
For expert mode, you may change the file php of header, index, sidebar, footer and etc by http://yourdomain/wp-admin/theme-editor.php area ( in your dashboard admin ). Notes, You must change the CHMOD !!! What is CHMOD ??? CHMOD is a function code that the function to change the file with the limit user that change it. Confused??? For easyly, change chmod of all file template ( on file manager http://yourdomain/wp-admin/theme-editor.php/nametemplate ) to 777. This 777 means all user can change.
Now u can change your header, index, archive, sidebar and etc. You can input various script, such as script blogcatalog, linkworth, adbrite and another script.
Note : It work in your blog that hosted in another wordpress.com, If you wanna change template http://yourdomain.wordpress.com you can change on http://yourdomain/wp-admin/themes.php . And cant edit file php. This is limited by TOS WordPress.com
Congratulations Your new template. Please dont shy to ask me, let me know your question. Thank you.
wah berubah english sekarang mas? :)
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moga-moga kali ini nggak
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@ narayana itu buat seo luar biar bisa paham bahasa saya mas :D
@ anno sudah bisa mas, selamat
@ ndop hehe ini lagi hiatsu mas, jadi posting seadanya agar ningkatin seo :D
Hi there,
Amazing! Not clear for me, how offen you updating your dekrizky.com.
maksude, sapa yang dulu sekolah di Ngabar?
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@deno temenku mas…
@tania are you spamming??? :P
saya bisa design ato buat themes.. mau pesen? ho..ho..
Mantab tutorialnya.. bener juga mas.. kalo ganti pake ftp di cpanel bisa lebih leluasa daripada dari wp itu sendiri
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Pakai bahasa inggris mau ikut review ya… salam..
@ceznes haha silahkan berkomersil disini :)
@danta betul banget mas , makasih tambahannya
@belajar wp salam… nggak mas, pengin seo luar juga nih gak cuma seo lokal :D
hamka’s last blog post..How To change Template WordPress
Wow! Thank you! I always wanted to write in my blog something like that. Can I take part of your post to my site? Of course, I will add backlink?
makasih informasinya…, sangat membantu…. thanks ya.. tak tunggu kunjungan baliknya
.-= ekosulistio´s last blog ..Pengalaman mencairkan western union di mojokerto =-.
Makasih banget buat tipsnya. Terkadang kita juga butuh template yang bervariasi pada sebuah blog biar gak boring.
Makasih infonya ya…
mas, saya mau nanya cara uploadnya dimana mas, cz di dashboard saya kok gak ada add new theme.. mohon pencerahannya, silahkan kirim e-mail mas..
saya tunggu, trims infonya. salam
kerennnaq png blajar bisnis.