Hello friends!
Now I wanna concentration about WordPress Topics. Why ? Because many newbie blogger as like me dont know how to optimation Search engine on WordPress. And then I wanna share about all in one seo pack plugins.
You should be read how to install new plugins to understanding how to install all of plugins. If you was knew, lets go to read about this description plugins.
All in one seo pack is the plugins to Optimation your WordPress Blog. It can be automatically generate your Title Home, Post adn Page, Description Home, Post and Page, Keyword Home, Post and Page, Format of post, page, archieve, category, tags, search, etc as you like and shoot the keyword. In new version you can found canonical url‘s. This will help to prevent duplicat content penalties from google. So u no need to install new plugins such as canonical or seo no duplicate, just upgrade your all in one seo pack to 1.4.9.
With All in one seo pack you can shoot the keyword that you like without too great quality content. How to use? First upload and active it! Then go to setting –> All In One SEO on your dashboard admin to fill the options All in One SEO pack. Then you can optimation your post or page when you writing post/ page. You can found the options on the bottom of your write board.
For The best optimation, you should be change the permalinks ( go to setting –> permalinks –> choose custom structure and fill it %postname% ). And you can write the link post what you like. Certainly to shoot the keyword. You can downlod this plugins to this link .
Congratulations your try and error process Optimation Search Engine. Good Luck ! Hope your SEO will be better than before !!!
nice info dude, I was used it for long time
will you exchage blogroll with my blog?
warm regards
I don’t use that plugin but platinum seo pack 1.2.3
they both the same
balisugar’s last blog post..Susan Boyle
I am not familiar with all seo package. niche info
davidyes’s last blog post..Pengaruh blog pada layanan website
niche….niche.. one time i would like to use this reference. thanks.
info hb’s last blog post..Install WordPress Secara Manual
@uwanz certainly, please write request http://dekrizky.com/blogroll-req
@balisugar no same, all in one seo pack better than platinum :)
@davidyes try it to get more index google and shoot the keyword :)
@info hub…. your’re welcome
wow! we have the same template! visit mine, hahaha :D
nice to meet your blog buddy ;)
Krishna’s last blog post..Foto telanjang Bunga Citra Lestari beredar
@khrisna yeah theme true elegance :) Nice to meet you too….
makasih atas tipsnya…
.-= Peluang Menjadi Milioner´s last blog ..Mencari Pasangan Dapat 100 Dollar, MAuuuuu ? =-.